travel planning services

hotel & Villa bookings

If you need a hotel, villa rental, or even a cruise, we can book this for you at no additional costs and our clients receive additional perks including free breakfast.

Concierge Services

If you only require a tour or two, airport transfers, dining recommendations, or just need assistance with certain aspects of your trip we offer a concierge service and pricing is decided on a case by case basis.

customized ITINERARY planning

Providing custom travel itineraries is our specialty! This includes your day to day detailed itinerary that is curated just for you and will include every detail of your trip. Should you require hotels, transfers, activities, dining reservations, spa treatments, unique excursions, and local recommendations, then this is the service for you! Price varies according to the length of the trip, destination, and group size.

client benefits

Being an affiliate of Embark Beyond and Virtuoso allows us to give you perks and benefits that most other agencies cannot. Why? Because Embark has partnerships with the most prestigious hotels and travel providers in the world allowing us to provide clients with a VIP experience like no other! Our focus is providing our clients with the best value on high end luxury and the best of the best.